Pregnancy, Labour & Postpartum during COVID - 19 Pandemic

As a Collective, we recognize that this is a tense and challenging time for all of us, and a lot of information is out there advising of all kinds of different things to keep yourself and your loved ones safe. We encourage you to inform yourself of best methods of care for yourself and your newborn with some of these links we have provided below from reputable sources;

*We recognize the lack of inclusive language in these articles, and have amended where we could so that men and non-binary folx birthing know that this applies to all of us as the labouring or birthing parent.*

From The World Health Organization (WHO):

From the Association of Ontario Midwives (AOM):

We also know that there are shifts happening for labouring people in regards to who can come with you for your labour, depending upon where you are choosing to labour.
As of right now:

  • every hospital allows for 1 chosen support person to be present with each labouring person if they are showing NO symptoms of illness;

  • the Toronto Birth Centre allows for 1 chosen support person, as well as a doula with each labouring person if they are showing NO symptoms of illness;

  • you may continue to govern who you allow into your home for your birth, whether you have symptoms of illness or not.

This may change plans for some folx, and we encourage you to chat with your clinicians, doula and family about how things can shift, but still allow you the support you need.

Many doulas are offering virtual or phone support for the duration of your labour in hospital (if they are not the support person chosen to attend in-person at the hospital) and for prenatal and postpartum care; we encourage you to discuss with your doula the way they are offering care during this time, and what is safest/most comfortable for you and your whole birth team. This may also include the wearing of homemade masks, with regular hand washing, when going to care appointments outside of your home or at your labour to help keep yourself and your care providers safe, if not doing virtual care.

For people who are showing symptoms of illness, that carry similar symptoms to COVID-19; labouring in a Toronto hospital means that NO support people are being allowed to stay with you for the duration of your stay. We recognize that this is inhumane and requires pushback. As a Collective, we are actively involved in supporting that pushback, spearheaded by The Obstetric Justice Project, in order to ensure that whether sick or not, you have the 1 chosen support that is within your rights as a person birthing.

To support the pushback, we ask you to connect with The Obstetric Justice Project ( to sign the petition along with adding your voice to the call outs against inhumane practices in pregnancy, labour and postpartum in Canada, amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination & Pregnancy
